13-14/12/2023 Architectured Materials Across Scales - Max Planck Institute in Potsdam, the Cluster of Excellence »Matters
of Activity«

07/11/2023 The BUP Symposium 2023
Session 8 - Climate Change impacts and adaptations - Understanding the present and future climate
crises in the Baltic Sea Region
Moderator: Keith Larson, Umeå University

17-19/11/2023 Invited Speaker "International Konya Art and Architecture Symposium (IKAAS 2022)"
PAPER: Minimization of the Ecological Footprint by the Bubble Mechanism in the Design Process of
Dwelling Architecture

07/11/2023 Uppsala, Sweden, The BUP Symposium 2023.

19-27/05/2023 Romanian Creative Week. Iașul își deschide curțile, orașul creatorilor de arhitectură, Iași, Romania,

PAPER: Waterfront pro-ecological architecture on the post-industrial areas

17-19/11/2022 Konya, Türkiye, International Konya Art and Architecture Symposium (IKAAS 2022).

17-21/06/2019 Prague, Czech Republic, World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture – Urban Planning Symposium – WMCAUS, in session: CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING.

Title of the paper and publication: "The impact of the Architecture on the Climate Change in Anthropocene."

18-22/06/2018 Prague, Czech Republic, World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture – Urban Planning Symposium – WMCAUS, in session: Sustainability in the built environment.

Title of the paper and publication: “Resilience as a sustainable design process in world climate change.”

28/06-01/07/2018 Kazziemirz Dolny, Poland, 12th Workshop on the Philosophy of Nature organized by the Section of the Philosophy of Nature and Natural Sciences, Polish Philosophical Society. Title of the accepted paper: "Ecological philosophy and the conscience shaping architecture" (absent for health reasons)

22-25/06/2017 Pasierbiec (near Limanowa), Poland, 11th Workshop on the Philosophy of Nature organized by the Section of the Philosophy of Nature and Natural Sciences, Polish Philosophical Society.

Title of the paper: "Architecture in the Ecosystem"

12-16/06/2017 Prague, Czech Republic, World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture- Urban Planning Symposium – WMCAUS, in session: Architectural Design and Methods.

Title of the paper and publication: "Application of the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) And the Building Information Modeling (BIM) Software in the Climate Change-Oriented Design Process of the Building Architecture"

23-24/05/2017 Szczecin, Poland, 1st National Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference, Pedagogy of Things. Things in educational processes and their contexts.

Title of the paper: "Architecture in things"

02-05/11/2016 Vienna, Hofburg, Austria, The International Scientific Conferences on Earth & Geo Sciences - SGEM VIENNA GREEN SESSIONS 2016, Section Green Design and Sustainable Architecture.

Publication title: "Application of the building information modeling (BIM) software in the climate change-oriented urban design"

30/05-05/06/2016 Denmark, Sweden, Norway, National Scientific Conference Habitat of the 21st century - Integration of Cultures and Eco-development - organized under the auspices of: the Committee of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Polish Academy of Sciences, WBAiIŚ of the University of Zielona Góra, WBIA ZUT in Szczecin.

Title of the paper: "Pro-ecological analyzes on an urban scale."

18/04/2016 Gdańsk, National Scientific Conference Research and Development of Young Scientists in Poland 2016.

Title of the paper: "Off the grid - architecture - radical future"

Poster: “Pro-ecological analysis in architectural design”.

06/04/2016 Rumia, Culture Station in Rumia, International Scientific Conference: Subject, Architecture, City. Teaching in design arts. Institute of Design of the Koszalin University of Technology.

Title of the paper: "Volatility of the Architecture"

26-27/02/2016 Warsaw, International Scientific Conference entitled "ASK.THE.CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION FOR RESEARCH, RESEARCH FOR CREATIVITY".

Title of the paper: “Analyses of Public Utility Building Designs Aimed at their Energy Efficiency Improvement”

23/11/2015 Poznań, National Scientific Conference Research and Development of Young Scientists in Poland 2015

Title of the paper: "Architecture of nature"

Poster: "Analysis of the architecture of single-family houses on the example of Western Pomerania."

03-07/09/2015 Dessau, Freiburg, Köln, Düsseldorf, Amsterdam, Hamburg, National Scientific Conference entitled "Nature-Technology-Culture - sustainable living environment", organized under the auspices of: the Committee of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Polish Academy of Sciences, WBAiIŚ Univ. Zielonogórski, WBIA ZUT in Szczecin.

Title of the paper: "Light in architecture - a new look"

09/07/2015 Berlin, participation in a seminar organized by Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Institut für Medizinische Immunologie, AG Chronobiologie, entitled 'project seminar', a visit related to a